A two-year programme of fun and fitness for young people with and without disabilities, bringing our aerial and yoga experience together:
for ages 5 – 11, 12 – 16 and
17 – 25 years.
Garden Dances Thanks to support from The National Emergencies Trust, Herefordshire Community Foundation & The Skinners’ Company Lady Neville Charity we are leading bespoke at-home dance sessions in peoples gardens. These are for children with disabilities and for elders living with dementia, their families and carers. We've adapted our practice as our contact work with people has had to pause.
In May we made a series of short online dance videos. Filmed outdoors in beautiful surroundings, each video has a creative theme and aims to be accessible to all. We hope people will share the videos with family, carers, and friends, watch them a number of times and be encouraged to join in.
In the garden - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UWObK2Lj2U&t=93s
Bluebell woods - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjHv-v0dQfY&t=13s
A lakeside swim - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOH6OObkBv8&t=105s
Cycling home - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVfvJlwqgaA
Working with students from QE High School to plan and lead this project. It's part of our 'Pleased to Meet You' project funded by Herefordshire Community Foundation.
We presented a short performance piece at this year's event in Worcester.
‘Tayla Made’ is an inter-generational work with dancers spanning 50 years that
explores Tayla's experience of skiing as a wheelchair user.
A Worcester Arts Partnership New Prescriptions project
We’ve been out and about these past few months leading dance sessions and working with the Alzheimer’s Society on Dementia Friends information sessions for local schools.
The project culminated with three open air Tea Dances - at Whitegates Care Home,
The Grange and
Longlands Care Farm.
There was music, dancing, tea, scones and lots of laughter.
2018 Tea Dance project is supported by Herefordshire Community Foundation
We are proud to show you our new film, 'Progress', premiered at The Hive in Worcester. ‘Progress’ is a collaboration between EVERYBODY DANCE, The Infirmary Museum and The George Marshall Medical Museum. 'Progress' has gathered people of all ages and abilities together to work with a team of professional artists to research medical history and create dance in workshops and for the 'Progress' film and live dance performance.
And here are the dancers ready to perform the dance piece to accompany the film..
The 'Progress Report' can be viewed here.
An lovely opportunity for people in and around Worcester to explore history and create movement based on discoveries from the archives. Participants were aged 60 and over and the project took place on four Tuesdays - as in the flyer above.
COST - Voluntary contributions from £1 - £15
EVERYBODY DANCE returned to Germany in early May with two days of inclusive workshops with Circus Fantasia in Rostock for community and professional level learners: we so enjoyed
working in the Big Top tent!
Our Tea Dances were back with a series of sessions for elders living with dementia and their friends. Events popped-up in residential home gardens and at Longlands Care Farm.
To read about last year's Tea Dance events, click here.
Thanks to Eveson Trust for their support with the project.
BBC Strictly Come Dancing recently contacted us and asked if we would submit a video or two of people doing "The Strictly". How could we resist?! The Four Farmers version turned out to be Zoe Ball's favourite - who could blame her?
To witness these wonders of performance, visit these links -
Strictly Farming - grace and sensuality from four farming-related men
Strictly 4 Generations - the farmers' wives, great-granny, great-grandchildren and many in-between
Strictly Regency (with Regency special school)
Enjoy - we did!
Community Dance Projects
In 2005 Rachel directed a large scale community performance work in Shropshire (TOUCH); since then she has worked on similar projects in Wolverhampton, Glasgow and Hong Kong.
Unlike showcase events the projects bring a diverse group of local participants together to create one full length work on a given theme. Groups work independently with artists to provide separate sections to the piece as well as all together on ensemble work. All these sections are joined together with a sound track, design, lighting and costume.
Each project is dependent on a hosting venue to provide rehearsal and performance space. Projects take many months to plan and prepare but have been delivered in 12 months or 2 weeks! Groups of forty and more have performed together with a much larger number of participants being involved in the preparatory workshops, backstage and supporting roles.
These community projects have proved to be powerful tools for developing positive community spirit, inclusion and audience development. They bring people together and produce work that inspires and engages participants and audiences.
Beyond The Pond
The summer project was beautiful - and brought a tear to many an eye.
Please follow these links for photos of the preparation and the dress rehearsal.
Voices and Visions
Students from Chadsgrove Special School and North Bromsgrove School worked together to create large paintings in a day inspired by the stained-glass windows of Worcester Cathedral.
Working with lead artist Rachel Freeman and visual artist Megan Evans, students explored a new language of dance and movement; they drew around each other’s bodies, painted a kaleidoscope of colours and discovered the delight of working together on one big art work.
Aerial Dance Summer Workshops
Following the success of Lovely Bugs, we ran workshops during the last week of July.
Lovely Dancefest women flew with us -
For pictures from Tuesday morning, click here.
And here for Monday 29th's session.
We had more creative fun on Friday and here are some of the participants - mainly airborne!
Giving Voice - Flash Mob
everyBODY dance has been working with the local Giving Voice Campaign, as part of a national campaign to demonstrate the unique, life-transforming and cost-saving work of the speech and language therapy profession.
In March we met for rehearsals and on a sunny Saturday morning in early April a group of student nurses, therapists and service users met together in the City centre for a series of Flash Mobs. We used an original soundtrack written and sung by members of the group - a total ear worm! - and combined dance with BSL and Makaton sign language.
For a video and more information visit Giving Voice.
We have been trying out the aerial work in Worcester with some taster sessions at Nunnery Wood Sports Complex for local young people. Students from Regency School, New College, Worcester Sixth Form plus a few individuals came and learnt the basic skills of moving and stopping on the ropes, turning circles and being upside down. They worked on their own, with partners and as a group and achieved a lot in a short time.
Big Bang
BIG BANG at the Three Counties showground in Malvern coincided with National Science & Engineering Week, and was designed to encourage young people to look at science and engineering in a new light, and consider the opportunities available to them in the field.
everyBODY dance rigged some ropes and were inundated with eager participants from the moment the doors opened until way after everyone else had left at the end of the day! We played with the physics of the art form, gravity, momentum, centrifugal force, escalation of dropping weight and other technical things!